The Inescapable Forest
After the visit from the mysterious figures on Pi Day, the Fellowship of the Octopies decided to make their way out of the Haunted Forest. They packed up their belongings, extinguished the campfire, and set off at the first hint of sunlight. However, the path they carved to enter the clearing disappeared, seemingly swallowed up by the treeline. Seeing no clear way out, the group opted to create a new route that they believed would head north. They chopped at the trees and began to wade through the thick undergrowth of mushrooms and weeds on the floor. After walking for hours, the Fellowship and its militia knew they needed to take a short rest. They had insufficient rations left over and knew it could still be hours of travel to get back to more comfortable surroundings. They could make out a small gap in the trees not far from where they were, so they headed towards it, relieved to find another clearing.
Or at least, they were relieved, until they entered the clearing. As they did, they saw the same exhausted campfire and scattered leftovers from their previous campsite. They had been walking for over half the day, only to arrive at the same place they started. The Octopies were shocked, silent, and scared. None of them believed this was possible, yet here they all were. The Fellowship took quick action to rally the Militia back to marching orders, insisting it was just a one-off mistake. They set off again… but a mere hour later, they found themselves once again entering the same clearing. This time, they settled in for the night, confused and exhausted from what appeared to be a pointless day.
As the sun set and the clearing became dark, rustling noises and the sound of movement could be heard from the treelines.The Fellowship gathered up and walked toward the noise, with their tentacles raised and weapons drawn. They approached the edge of the clearing. From the deep darkness of the woods, stepped out the same mysterious figures as before. The Fellowship stayed alert and ready for anything, while the figure began to speak softly.
“Hello again, friends. We see you have become more familiar with the Forest. She is beautiful, is she not?” “Arrrr you must be joking!” blurted out the Pierate member of the Fellowship. “We traveled for a day and saw nothing but the same damn clearing. What nonsense is this that you land dwellers subject us to? And we arrrre not your friends!” “Be still, my child. We have done no such thing. The Forest does as the Forest does. So is the way of the Fallen One.” But the Pierate could not heed the call to be calm. “Listen. Stop your riddles or I’ll make ya walk the plank. Tell us, how do we leave these wretched woods.” “Leaving is something that only the Forest can help you with. Indeed, it very much seems the Forest wants for you to stay. Our meeting is not by chance. In time, the true meaning of it will be revealed. May I suggest you change your attitude first?” The Pierate tightened their grip on their scimitar, frustrated by the response from the mysterious stranger. The group's patience was quickly running out. Before the Pierate could respond - or worse, become violent, the Piesces member of the Fellowship stepped forward.
“Our new friend, please forgive my fellow Octopie’s short fuse. We are running low on supplies, with a group of weary and weak travelers. Now you stand before us, shrouded in darkness with a mask on, speaking to us in unclear terms. We do not seek to offend you, but who are you? Will you help us?”
There was a long pause before the stranger responded. The true isolation of the clearing became clear - not a single sound but the breathing of the nervous Octopies could be heard while they waited for the stranger to speak.
“Of course we can help. You are all children of the Forest. We are family. We are one. In time, you will have the chance to learn our ways and our customs. However, I can see not all of you are ready to embrace your new Forest life. As such, I give you a simple task to test the faith of each of you. You need substance, that is clear. In the coming days, we will bring supplies. There will be one bucket with Berries, the same sort you have no doubt consumed many times before. The other will contain Mushrooms, picked from the most sacred part of the forest. These Mushrooms will taste like no other. They will help heal your wounded and evolve them in ways only the Forest is capable of. They will teach you our ways.” “Those of you who want to join us and become one with nature, the Mushrooms are for you. Those who are simply hungry, with no desire to widen your minds, take the berries. We will return shortly after.” The mysterious figure began to back away after they finished this proposal. Before they left from eyesight, the Piesces shouted out “And then what? What happens to us after?!” “Child, you still do not see - that is for the Forest to decide!” As these words were uttered, the figure disappeared back into the treeline.
With the Fellowship and the Militia once again on their own in the clearing, they decide to turn in for the night.The Octopies began to chat with each other, some proudly announcing they would never touch a random Mushroom from a Stranger. Others were jumping at the at the chance to try something that could save them from the labyrinth of the Haunted Forest. For now, all they could do was wait and see.
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