An Introduction

There was a world where all kinds of delicious pies exist. Fruit pies. Pecan pies. Pumpkin pies. Meat pies. Chicken pot pies. But then, this world got infinitely better when an octopus rolled together with some magical pastry crust to become an Octopie. These Octopies live on land and in the sea and do incredible things like gather wheat to make flour and sail ships in search of treasure. This world of Octopies is called Pieland.

There are nine different Slices, or tribes, of Octopies. Each Slice is its own kind and occupies a region of Pieland. The Doughbots and Pieborgs live together in a high-tech dystopian region. The Expieriments, Vampiers, and Zompies live among each other in a region known as the Undercooked Lands. The Pielanders, Pirates, and Piesces live along the coasts and dominate the seas. The Piesons have the largest population and live in their own region on land within Pieland.

Every Slice’s homeland has a towering grand structure called a Pie Oven. These VIOs (very important ovens) are controlled, managed, and heavily guarded by their respective Slices as they provide new life for each tribe. Management and maintenance of the Ovens takes a good chunk of every Octopie’s time. Cleaning all the sections, proper fueling, picking premium ingredients, health and safety standards, research and development, and jockeying for management positions requires a lot of time and energy.

It’s not all work and no pie for the Slices though. Every Octopie has free time to spend as they please, and what they do largely depends on the Slice they belong to. For instance, Pielanders enjoy fishing, while Zompies prefer more... ghastly pastimes. Based on the geography and climate, every Octopie Slice has a unique look, though they all share some DNA in their dough and fillings.

Along with the nine main Slices, there are a few notable and legendary Octopies that walk the crust of Pieland. And make sure to be on the lookout for the reported Odd Sightings that have happened around Pieland.

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