Piecing Together The World of Pieland

The Fellowship of the Octopies completed their inspection of their Ovens, but were unable to turn the kilns back on. The Ovens had all gone cold four months ago at the same time with no warning. The Fellowship moved onto their next adventure - searching unexplored lands within Pieland for more clues. There was a lot of ground to cover so the Fellowship split into smaller search parties. Below is the first piece of the map, the tip of the northwest corner of Pieland.

The First Missing Puzzle Piece

This part of Pieland contains the Arctic Crust and the Chasms of the Undead. The Arctic Crust is a cold and isolated part of Pieland. So cold that Octopies can’t survive more than a few days in this place without freezing and suffering from hypothermia. The snow is more than seven tentacles deep, making travel through these lands slow, and at times, impossible. There are rumors of a few special Octopie that call the Arctic Crust their home. There are also multiple reports of sightings of a large, abominable creature roaming the snowy mountains - but most dismiss these as stories and tales told to pass the time.

The Chasms of the Undead are south of the Arctic Crust. These lands, which are home to the Zompies, Expieriments, and Vampires, are desolate and bleak. These Slices live far below the Chasms where their Ovens and livelihoods are centered. However, it’s not uncommon to see these turbulent Octopies congregating on the surface - especially during nightfall. Often their companions - bats, vultures, rodents, and wolves - can be found roaming these lands.

The Second Missing Puzzle Piece

Crusty Cape is split into two areas - the coastline and islands. Pielanders live on a group of islands known as the Crumbs. You can often find Piesces, their neighbors, surfing nearby. This peaceful Slice enjoys fishing and trading with the Piesons on the mainland. However, Pielanders spend the majority of their time on their island, where their Oven is. Don’t let the idyllic Pielander life of fishing, whistling, and cute companions like pelicans, seals, and puffins fool you. Different sea monsters like the Kraken are known to lurk in the waters around Crusty Cape, so take precautions when visiting these parts.

The Piesons settled on the most favorable and largest section of Pieland known as Pastry Pastures. Its rich fertile plains and a flowing river makes these lands highly desirable for the Slice with the largest population. Many Piesons grow wheat and apples on their farms. These clever Octopies generate renewable energy through windmills and watermills, powered from the river that cuts through their villages. Other Slices visit these lands to trade goods. Wild rabbits, dogs, pigs and sheepies add to the docile nature of these lands, making it one of the safest areas of Pieland to visit.

The Salt Pans presents a drastic departure from Pastry Pastures. One of the most hostile environments in Pieland, almost nothing beyond the occasional insect and reptile lives in this low-lying, shiny white desert. These lands get an average of 3.14 inches of rainfall per year. Trees and shrubs are utterly absent and nothing can be seen for hundreds of miles except sand and clay. Surviving more than a couple days is difficult with the extreme heat. There are rumors that an extremely valuable treasure was engulfed in the crust of the vast Salt Pans and buried underneath shifting mountains of sand that change constantly by the wind. Most Octopies dismiss these rumors because who would be brave (or stupid) enough to travel through these dangerous lands with such precious cargo?

The Third Missing Puzzle Piece

Pierates Cove is on the southern half of the Crumbs Islands. Rocky waters and steep cliffs make navigating these waters a risky endeavor, which creates a natural defense for the Pierates homes. Like all the Oceans in Pieland, the water around the Cove is infested with sea monsters and various critters, but it’s also the gateway to the Piesces, who live deep below the water surface between the Crumbs and the Haunted Forest.

The Haunted Forest is a mysterious and unique land. Very few Octopies have ever dared to enter the forest. Nobody knows exactly what happened to those that did enter - only that they were never heard from again. Strange sightings and weird occurrences are regularly reported on from nearby Pielanders and Piesons who wander too close to the border, but not much else is known about these woods.

The Volcanic Pits are, as the name implies, volcanic. Many centuries ago, the great volcano in the center of the pits erupted, leaving a scarred land where nothing could grow for years. While some vegetation has started to blossom, rumors of large, reptile-like beasts roaming freely add to the hellish nature of this region. It's unlikely any Octopies could survive even just a visit to the Volcanic Pits. Not that they would want to, as it’s well-known among the Octopies that there is nothing of value here.

The Fourth Missing Puzzle Piece

The Rust Bowl is home to both the Pieborgs and Doughbots. The Pieborgs are based in the northern half of the Rust Bowl, where they create cutting-edge structures filled with design innovation and high-tech machinery. The Doughbots live in the southern half, which is littered with junk yards, scrap metal, and similar debris. Both halves share a hot, dry, climate - the perfect environment for the automatons and their robotic companions to thrive. Unlike the desolate Salt Pans, the Rust Bowl’s climate is perfectly manageable for other Octopie Slices too.

Home to the mysterious Pieous, the Vapors are made up of three volcanic islands just off the northeastern shores of the mainland. These craggy islands protect the Grandoven, which produces special flames for all the Ovens of Pieland. The volcanic islands have jagged cliffs with steep drops and high interval swells, which makes it exceedingly difficult to dock ships. The damp sulfur smell, produced from the lava on the Vapors, is a reminder to foreign travelers that they are not welcome. The best way to enter the Vapors, should you dare, is through the southernmost island. The harsh landscape of islands, along with the Pieous’ strong barricades, help protect this Slice from any Octopies that dare challenge them for control of the Grandoven.

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