The Heart Of The Forest
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Over the last few days as guests of The Baked, the Fellowship Of The Octopies learned a great deal of information. They were taught how to forage in the Haunted Forest, shown how to prepare the Mushrooms to tap into the plants powerful effects, and shown the ways of the different groups within The Baked Pieciety. However, they had one item they were keen to learn more on: a mysterious being that many members of The Baked had kept referring to. They’d heard bits and pieces from different Octopies, and together, they concluded that this unknown being was responsible for the Haunted Forest’s magical presence. That alone peaked their interest. Could this being hold the key to defeating The Pieous? To restore the Flames of the Ovens? The Fellowship needed to find out. One morning, they agreed it was time to find out. They made their way to The Healer to learn more. They headed to the tent in the middle of The Baked village, the same tent they’d been taken to when they first arrived. As they approached the entrance, The Healer spoke out to them from within the tent. “Ah, my children, it's a pleasure to see you. Please, tell me, how can I help you today?” The Healer pulled back the tent entrance and stepped outside. The Fellowship agreed that the Pieson member of their group would be the appropriate Octopie to pose their query.
“Well, we first want to say, thank you for your hospitality. It’s been a pleasure to be here. But… we want to learn more about the origins of the Haunted Forest. About its unique… presence.” The Healer’s smile faded, and a more serious look took over. After a couple moments of pause, the Healer let out a sigh. “I suppose I should have seen this coming. Of course this group of adventurers, of thrill seekers, of Pieland-saving Octopies would want to explore the very depths of this forest! Very well. Take with you one of our finest members - they will take you to the heart of the forest.” “Wait, sorry, what?! We want to learn more, from you, from The Baked, and you’re sending us off instead?!” The Healer’s smile was back on their face, bigger than ever. “Ah, my child. If you want to learn about the history of the forest, there are no words I can utter to convince you, without you first joining The Baked. Your own eyes must see it.” The Healer looked across their faces and saw that The Fellowship was not convinced. “Children, you must understand. This forest, what you call The Haunted Forest, is empowered by a very special energy. A special life force. It is the energy of a Fallen Guardian. I know you will not believe this just by listening to my words, so go - visit it. See for yourself.” The Fellowship were skeptical. Many of the modern day Octopies in Pieland didn’t believe in the Guardians - the days of universal worshiping for the Pieities were long gone. They were nothing but old tales to keep the young Octopies well-behaved. Furthermore, those who did believe in Guardians have never heard of a “Fallen Guardian''. How is it possible that they would have fallen? It was nonsense.
“I can see from your puzzled faces and silent expressions that you do not believe. As is expected. Well, gather your things, pick a member of The Baked to join you, regroup with your Militia, and then head to the heart of the forest to find out for yourself. When you stand in the center of the forest, the presence of a higher power can not be denied. What do you say?” The Fellowship looked at one another wearily. It appeared their days of resting in the campsite were coming to a close. They spoke to one another in low whispers first, and then they were silent. Finally, they agreed to The Healers mission. It was time to head off on an adventure once more. As the Fellowship turned to head back to their tent to pack up their belongings, The Healer shouted behind them, “Oh, and be careful out there. There are some dangerous beasts in the heart of the Forest. You may not all make it back…”