A New Home
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The Fellowship ran head first into The Haunted Forest trying to catch up with the other Octopies who’d consumed the Mushrooms. They were now wandering—as if in a trance—into the depths of the woods. Through the thick bushes, they almost couldn’t make out the other Octopies’ silhouettes. They pressed on, each step taking them further and further away from the clearing they’d been safe in.
No matter how hard the Fellowship tried, they couldn’t seem to close the gap between them and the entranced Octopies. The tall trees blocked out most of the light, the floor had no paths or signs of tread, and the constant fear of what beasts or monsters might be awaiting behind any of the trees made their progress slow. Regardless, they were running and cutting through the forest as fast as possible. Yet, they could not catch up, even though they’d seen the other Octopies enter the forest in nothing but a gentle paced walk. It was as if the other group was somehow being guided by the very forest itself, seemingly able to glide through the shrub and forage without hesitation. Nevertheless, the Fellowship continued on undeterred. These Octopies had joined the Milita because of the Fellowship. They had entrusted the Fellowship with their lives. They weren’t about to give up on them.
After about an hour of pursuing the group, suddenly the silhouettes stopped moving. The Fellowship were re-energised seeing this and pushed on stronger than ever. As they caught up, the silhouettes became clearer. They saw the same friends from before, except now… there were others alongside them. Others that looked different. They looked like the Octopies that had given them the berries and Mushrooms.
These masked Octopies approached the entranced Octopies as the Fellowship watched on. They walked up to them, handing them various objects: a strange-looking pipe, flowers, more Mushrooms, and more. Then they started to joyously embrace and welcome them. “This must be a TRICK!” hissed the Vampier of the Fellowship, charging forward. The others quickly followed, heading toward this group of Octopies that was made up of the new strangers and the Militia members. “Ah! What have we here!” Beamed one of the voices from behind a mask. All the Octopies in the group turned to look at the Fellowship, who had paused in their tracks. “Why, what a pleasant surprise. My children, when was the last time we had guests in our home who were not guided by the Mushroom. Well this IS a special occasion!” The Fellowship looked on, cautiously. The figures’ Mask made for an intimidating encounter - it had multiple eyes, a large frame, candles ablaze, and decorative braids all over. The Fellowship had never seen anything like it.
“We have never had outsiders here.” The intimidating stranger continued. “We’re pleased to have you. You must be tired from the trip. Join us for our feast, share your stories. We have plenty of space for you to stay until you’re ready to make your way back.” The Fellowship were confused. Everything they could see was…unsettling. Unknown Octopies with big masks and unusual objects, there in the middle of The Haunted Forest. Yet, they were being welcomed as if they were kin. The Pieborg spoke out, “Wait - Who are you? What is this place? What are you doing to our friends? Why should we trust you?” The Masked Octopies gasped, shocked by the response. The mysterious figure let out a small grin and stepped forward. “Ah, I understand your apprehension. Around here, I am known as The Healer. And ‘this place’, well, it’s the entrance to our home. Come with us and see it for yourself. Your friends are preparing to join us, if they wish to. They will join us shortly. Now let us proceed, it’s time to feast!” With that, The Healer and some of the Masked Octopies turned and headed toward a large archway made of beautiful branches. The Octopies from the Militia were guided in a different direction by some of the other Masked Octopies. The Fellowship looked at one another, and after some brief discussion, decided to follow The Healer into the archway.
As they entered, it felt like entering a new world. There were Octopies all over, huts and homes, campfires, compienions, all sorts. The Healer guided them to a large tent in the middle, and gestured for them to enter. The Fellowship did so, entering and sitting down around a large table. The Healer and some other Masked Octopies followed and joined them at the table.
“I’m sure you have many questions about what you are seeing. But, my children, so do I! I wish to learn more about what you have seen, where you have been, why so many different Slices of Octopies are traveling together. Never have I seen a Zompie and a Pieson walk alongside one another, or a Doughbot and Piesces being friends, without the help of the Mushroom! It is marvelous. Let us share stories as we dive into some of the freshest berries and forage we have found in The Forest!” And with that, plates of delicious food were delivered to the table for each of the Fellowship, which they began to gulp down. Running through The Haunted Forest had given them one large appetite. The delicious food helped them to relax, and with that, they started to open up. They started sharing their stories and tales of what they had been doing, becoming more animated and comfortable with each additional story. They told an array of stories—the Ovens going cold, visiting the different Slice Leaders, learning more about their own origins, mapping out the lands as best they could, trying to face the Pieous and running into Scraps, and then choosing to visit The Haunted Forest as a desperate attempt to recover and get stronger. The Octopies from this new tribe had many questions, and the conversation roared on for hours. After retelling their history, The Healer let out a light chuckle. “Well, what a journey you’ve had. Since you’ve told me so much about yourselves, the least we can do is share some of our history and culture. We have much for you to explore and learn about. But now, the sun begins to set. Time to rest, there is plenty of opportunity for you to learn more.” The Fellowship agreed, and were led to a hut with beds for each of them. They fell into them, ready to rest up and get some sleep before learning more about The Baked.