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This Slice may have eight tentacles but dough not be fooled - the Doughbots are more machine than Octopie. The commonly accepted theory is that the Doughbots were created by the Pieborgs to do their bidding and increase their numbers. While the Doughbots may have taken orders from the Pieborgs in the past, rumor has it that the Doughbots are not thrilled with this arrangement and these autonomous Octopies are starting to resist.
A key difference between Doughbots and Pieborgs is that Doughbots are 100% machine while Pieborgs are partly organic. The Doughbots’ metallic tentacles and android eyes are some of their noticeable features. These AI Octopies are often seen with gears, tubes, and antennas hanging off of them and are often followed around by robo rabbits or vacuum bots. The Doughbots’ steely metal fillings match their cold personalities, which make this Slice hesitant to befriend other Octopie Slices. Despite their robust exteriors, the Doughbots’ biggest weakness are the Piesces, whose aqua lifestyle is a natural enemy for the water-adverse Doughbots.
Next time you hear a mechanical whir or humming when you’re exploring Pieland, be ready to face some chilled crust.
The Original Model is the oldest Doughbot. As such, he is treated with much reverence by the rest of the Doughbots. Even the Pieborgs make sure they keep this Octopie happy. Years of roaming around Pieland have meant The Original Model has changed parts many times. But every part change brings with it more experience and more wisdom. It's rare that this Octopie talks, but when they do, all other Doughbots listen, waiting to hear the words of wisdom from a community elder.